15 Words that Tug at Hearts

August 23, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

People need Jesus. You need Him too. Jesus helped me. Ask Him to help you.

In August 2013, I heard Pastor Steven Khoury share stories of what God does when he says these 15 words to his neighbors. Speaking them requires courage, because his neighbors are Muslims and Jews in Jerusalem.

I was so impressed that I made Steven’s 15 words a major element in a witnessing video produced by Awake Us Now Ministries. I invite you to watch it. [Note: If the video doesn’t begin at 0:00, please click at the beginning.]

Entitled “Learning to Tell Your Story,” my video explains how Steven Khoury’s 15 words can provide us opportunities to engage in conversations about three stories.

  1. God’s story of salvation.
  2. The story of whoever you are speaking to.
  3. Your story of how God has worked in your life.

Since the video is 43 minutes long, feel free to listen to it in segments. Watch it with friends and discuss how to apply it in your daily conversations.

I even put the 15 words on my business card as a reminder to speak them, and as a way for the people I meet to recall them later. Perhaps you will devise a way that you can have them available for ready sharing too.

Steven Khoury is an Arab Christian pastor serving in Israel where he grew up. Even though every chapter of his life has been marked by struggle, Steven’s passion is to reach those who oppose Christ by means of the very love that Jesus exhibited, a love that speaks the truth even when it hurts. Learn more at www.holylandmissions.org.