John 14 – Greater Things
Jesus promised in John 14:12 that we would do greater things than He did. How can that possibly happen? By believing His promise and asking in His name. So, will you?
Exploring God's Colossal Promises
Jesus promised in John 14:12 that we would do greater things than He did. How can that possibly happen? By believing His promise and asking in His name. So, will you?
An ocean liner can’t change course quickly. Neither can churches. For Discovery Bible Study to transform your church, start slowly and incrementally. Bit by bit, God will steer your ocean liner on a new course to make disciples who make disciples.
Where does God live? According to John 14:23, His current address is surprisingly nearby. May we avidly seek the fulfillment of this promise.
How does one start making disciples who make disciples? Jesus said to find a person of peace. Here’s how.
Because each generation is responsible to pass on the Gospel to their children, Christianity always stands just one generation from extinction. Over the last half century, Satan has attacked the family on many fronts. Could Discovery Bible Study bring victory in the battleground of your home? Yes, it could. Let’s take a brief tour of the features that distinguish DBS from typical family devotion methods.