Finding a Person of Peace

November 7, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

How does one initiate a Discovery Bible Study?  By finding a person of peace (PoP).  Here’s how.

1. Pray. When Jesus sent out the 12 apostles and the 72 disciples, His instructions included:

  • “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.  So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields” (Mat. 9:37f NLT).
  • “Whenever you enter a city or village, search for a worthy person and stay in his home until you leave town” (Mat. 10:11 NLT).

The harvest workers Jesus tells us to pray for are the persons of peace whom God will lead us to.  In most cases, a PoP is not yet a Christian, but a seeker disillusioned with his or her present beliefs and curious about the Bible and Jesus Christ.  Also a PoP is willing to invite relatives and friends to explore the Scriptures together and evaluate its truth value. 

2.  Stay alert for potential persons of peace. 

If there is a way you can serve people and demonstrate that God is the rightful ruler of our world, do so.  That’s why Jesus advised: “Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near.  Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!” (Mat. 10:7f).  Addressing people’s concerns will spark conversations.  If they exhibit interest, you may have encountered a person of peace.

3. Invite the potential PoP to read short portions of the Bible with you.  In just a few sessions, familiarize your friend with these questions:

  • What happens in this Scripture passage?
  • What do we discover about God, and how does it change how we see Him?
  • What do we discover about people, and how does it change what I will do this week?
  • With whom will I share this Bible story?  When and how? 

If he or she remains inquisitive and engaged, offer: “Would you like to invite your non-Christian friends or relatives to read the Bible with you and discuss its implications?  You would facilitate the discussion, and I’ll meet with you during the week to help you prepare for each session.”  If your friend accepts your offer, you are dealing with a person of peace. 

And the fun of making disciples is just beginning!

Coming Up

The next blog in this series describes how to initiate Discovery Bible Study in a local church. You can also learn more from these earlier blog posts. 

  1. DMM — In a Class by Itself
  2. DBS — Who Is the Leader?
  3. Reading the Bible with Know-Nothings
  4. The Discovery Questions
  5. Jesus Led a Discovery Group
  6. Like Wildfire
  7. Sheep among Wolves
  8. Discovery Bible Study in Your Home

If you desire training to use Discovery Bible Study where you are, I am willing to advise you (at no charge) and point you to training resources available online or in your area.