Building Blocks in John 1

June 18, 2019 2 By Phil Bickel

At lift-off a space shuttle spews a lot of fire and fury. To us whose rocket science knowledge is limited to 4th of July fireworks, the craft rises very slowly.

However, the combined weight of the booster rocket and the manned orbiter ship is 4,500,000 pounds, which will require a speed of 25,000 mph to escape Earth’s gravity.  No wonder it takes a while to conquer gravity.

Our search in the Gospel of John for the 10 building blocks of life in Christ will have a similar gradual-but-steady beginning. Here is how the voyage begins in John 1.

  1. Jesus brings us light and life now.  As you arise each day, are you anticipating light and life, or shadow and mere survival?  (John 1:3-9)
  2. Although Jesus is God, He doesn’t come to earth with His own agenda — He’s under the command of His Father.  Do we imitate what Jesus models?  Are we better off when we bend to God’s wishes, or when we hope He will cave to ours?  (John 1:1-3, 14, 18)
  3. “Of Christ’s fullness we have all received, grace upon grace” (John 1:16).  What is the fullness of Christ?  Do we have any idea what His fullness includes?  Do we desire it? 
  4. Did everyone receive what Jesus came to give, or did some push back against Him?  Who ultimately will gain the victory?  (John 1:5-13)
  5. Those who receive Jesus Christ become children of God.  How tight is our relationship with God?  What limits do we place on His love and concern for us? (John 1:12-13)
  6. John the Baptist foretells that Jesus will baptize believers with the Holy Spirit.  Do we desire the Spirit or fear His infringement on our lives?  Why?  (John 1:33)
  7. After a small-scale miracle, Jesus promises Nathaniel: “You haven’t seen anything yet!”  (John 1:47-51)  Many of us don’t expect God to act supernaturally on our behalf. “Let’s not get carried away,” we warn each other.  Not so with Jesus.  He cranks up Nathaniel’s expectations of fullness.

Sixty seconds after lift off a space shuttle’s engines reach maximum throttle. Forty-four minutes later the craft is in outer space, orbiting at 250 miles above Earth, and ready to continue its mission. Though the opening chapters of John may seem like a slow start, velocity is building, and Jesus is placing us in position to accomplish the mission He has given us.

To share in the conversation about the 10 building blocks of life in Christ: