Building Blocks of Life in John 2

June 20, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

The Gospel of John reveals how God equips believers to live life to the max. The 10 building blocks of life in Christ are evident in John 2.

  1. Jesus’ 1st miracle occurs at a wedding, a ceremony to initiate the most intimate human relationship!  Does Jesus desire intimacy with you?  Absolutely!  He died to win your heart.
  2. Jesus’ 1st miracle is fruitful – the spontaneous production of 900 bottles of vintage wine!  If Jesus can do that with H2O molecules, imagine what He can do with you and me!
  3. Because His Father’s house is not a marketplace, Jesus makes a whip and drives the merchants from the Temple.  Ticked off by Jesus’ semi-violent act, the Judean rulers push back: “Do a miracle before our eyes to prove you have the clout to clean house here.”  
  4. In reply, Jesus predicts His death and resurrection — the greatest miracles ever!  Does God still reveal His glory today in ways that can be seen, heard, and tasted?  Why do we expect only a fraction, not the fullness Jesus offers?  What limits our expectations?

Will we stretch our faith to accept God’s colossal blessings, or will we shrink His promises to the size of our tiny faith? Fullness or fraction?

To share in the conversation about the 10 building blocks of life in Christ: