John 7 — Dueling Game Plans

Do you have a game plan for your life? Will you follow God’s path or limit yourself to human wisdom? In John 7:1-10, Jesus addresses this issue by means of two building blocks of daily life in Christ: Pushback and Model.
Pushback. The Judean leaders are waiting to capture Jesus and liquidate Him. Even Jesus’ own brothers get into the act, urging Him, “Get out there and make yourself famous, Bro!” Their motives are not pure, because they do not believe in Him. They neither admire Him nor approve of His career as a Rabbi. They are cajoling Jesus, prodding Him to step into danger, even death. Perhaps they felt toward Jesus, as ten older brothers centuries earlier had felt toward their brother Joseph, the dreamer (Genesis 37).
Model. Jesus’ conversation with His brothers illustrates the question He must have faced constantly: Will I follow My Father’s game plan, or human wisdom?
In every field of human endeavor, we have developed logical processes, modes of operation, paths of action, and corporate rules. We consider our time-tested rules and methods the best. We pass on our knowledge in universities and technical colleges, where we bequeath academic degrees and certify technicians. So, it’s not surprising that the advice of Jesus’ brothers reflects common sense and worldly smarts about how to achieve fame.
But Jesus does not function like normal people, does He? And as His followers, we will often face the same dilemma: to follow the Father’s game plan, or human wisdom. Sometimes they may be the same, but often they are not.
Let’s imitate the wisdom that Jesus models for us. Despite all the pushback, Jesus never backs down. No matter how much He is questioned, accused, and is in danger of arrest or stoning, Jesus refuses to be less than who He is — the Messiah, the Son of God sent by the Father to do and say only what the Father gives Him. Jesus never allows His identity to be fractionalized.
This raises questions for us to consider: Will we back down? Will we define ourselves as less than children of God, who are sent as Jesus was sent (John 1:12; 20:21)? Fullness or fraction?

This is post #8 in an ongoing dialog about the Gospel of John occurring online at, Facebook, and Youtube. You’re invited to join the conversation.
A catalyst for the dialogue is a free 97-page ebook by Phil Bickel, Fullness or Fraction in the Gospel of John, which introduces readers to 10 essential building blocks of life in Christ.