My Business Card

August 16, 2019 1 By Phil Bickel

Since retiring last fall, I’ve sought God’s direction about what my job is now. Recently, I summarized it on a small piece of paper — my new business card. Each element tells part of my latest assignment from the Lord.

Photo. Seeking an attractive graphic for my business card, this mountain photo grabbed my attention, even though I wasn’t sure what it had to do with my new job.

Tagline: Exploring God’s colossal promises. After a couple days, I realized that all my life I’ve been an explorer, whether hiking on foot, peddling a bike, or reading the Bible. Since God’s promises are like a great mountain range with countless sights to survey and savor, my business card calls: “Come, climb with me into the high places of God’s promises.”

Contrary to common opinion, a climber does not conquer a mountain. Yes, you may reach the peak, gasping for air, gaping at the vistas below, and relishing the rush of conquering its summit. Later on you may recall that day as a magnificent triumph. Sooner or later, however, you will grasp that what actually happened is that the mountain conquered you — by its immensity, by its grandeur, and by its grace in having permitted you to enter and survive the Most Holy Place of its heights. Exploring God’s colossal promises, we discover how wide and long and high and deep is the love of God in Jesus Christ the Savior of the world.

The Left Column lists where you can explore with me and dialog with others on the journey. You can also help spread the word by sharing and retweeting what you value at these sites.

  • Using the handle “Fullness or fraction,” I write about God’s jumbo promises and our pint-sized faith at my blog site and Facebook.
  • At YouTube, the “Fullness or fraction” playlist adds visual and musical elements to the discussion.
  • Because music is a language of spiritual exploration, my YouTube playlist “Rock Foundations Rockumentary” relates the history of Rock Music and helps us consider how we arrived at where we are today.
  • Awake US Now (where I worked from 2013-2019) calls Christians to trust God’s promises for a great harvest of new followers of Jesus even in our difficult age.
  • Twitter is a place where I call attention to all the other places.

15 words. I also wanted my business card to invite people to consider Jesus. I thought of many great Bible verses, but they didn’t fit into a square inch. So, I chose these simple words: “People need Jesus. You need Him too. Jesus helped me. Ask Him to help you.” May the Lord use these words to tug at hearts to explore the heights of God’s promises and discover that Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of them all.

These words are so important, that I invite you to learn more about them in this post.

[I designed the card at, a great online resource for producing visual pieces of all kinds.]