Defenseless Love

Defenseless Love

March 31, 2021 0 By Phil Bickel

If you were preparing to invade a rebel-held land in order to return it to its rightful ruler, what weapons would you employ? When Jesus came from Heaven to Earth, He chose to use only one weapon. What was it? Would it prove adequate to defeat the evil in our world and in our hearts?

Scanning Heaven’s armory
For weapons of victory
Christ invaded our world
With but one 

Foregoing power and might 
He armed Himself for the fight 
With only defenseless love 
Only love

Despite Calvary’s agonies
This love alone sets us free
For God is love
Only God

So as we face each day
Let's enter into the fray 
Wielding only defenseless love
Christ-like love

Only love?  Love is defenseless.  How could love liberate us from the wickedness that reigns in every human heart?  How could love prove stronger than the world’s systems which claim to work for our good but often enslave?  How could love defeat the demonic powers that covertly hold the human race under Satan’s sway?

To re-establish God’s rightful rule over our rebellious planet, Jesus could have simply wielded divine power and justice to smash every source of evil on earth.  But in the process He would have obliterated every person on earth.  Since God’s ultimate goal was to rescue us, Jesus came with love alone, defenseless love.

As you read the stories of Jesus written by His disciples Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John:

  • Observe how Jesus employs defenseless love in every situation He faces.
  • Note how people respond — both pro and con — to such love?
  • Ask Jesus to show you a specific way to use the weapon of defenseless love today.
  • Then, do what He shows you to do, and enjoy the adventure.

To further your adventures with Jesus, you may find these books helpful: (Available for free here)

  • Disciple Maker
  • Fullness or Fraction in the Gospel of John
  • Fullness or Fraction in Acts 1-12: Power Up!