Fellow Disciples and Resources

Fellow Disciples and Resources

April 15, 2021 0 By Phil Bickel

[This is Chapter 15 of Disciple Maker: Fulfill Your Destiny in the Disciple-Making Movement Launched by Jesus Christ, by Phil Bickel (© 2020). Free download of 58-page ebook at Faith Trekker Store.]

We aren’t the only ones on the journey of learning how Jesus makes disciples.  Believers actively involved in Disciple-Making Movements share their experiences and insights in many helpful resources.  The items below are listed in the order in which they appear in the book Disciple Maker.  Most of the resources will refer you to others.  So, start anywhere you like and be encouraged.  

  1. The New Testament reports how Jesus launched His disciple-making movement.
  2. Are You a Christian or a Disciple?: Rediscovering and Renewing New Testament Discipleship by Edward N. Gross (2014).  
  3. Bhojpuri Breakthrough: A Movement that Keeps Multiplying by Victor John (2019).
  4. Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Are Falling in Love with Jesus by Jerry Trousdale (2012).  
  5. The Father Glorified: True Stories of God’s Power through Ordinary People by Patrick Robertson and David Watson (2013).
  6. Contagious Disciple Making: Leading Others on a Journey of Discovery by David Watson and Paul Watson (2014).  
  7. “Beyond: Church Planting Movements”, 8-minute video produced by Beyond.
  8. Discovery Bible Study: A Safe Place to See for Yourself What the Bible Says,” David and Paul Watson’s website for inviting searchers to begin DBS.
  9. Stubborn Perseverance by James Nyman with Robby Butler (2017).
  10. Great Commission Disciple Making: Growing Disciples Rooted in God’s Word by James A. Lilly (2017).
  11. Great Commission Disciple Making Workbook: Personal & Discovery Group Exercises by James A. Lilly (2017).
  12. Family Disciple Making: A Practical Guide to Raising Your Children As Disciples of Jesus, by James A. Lilly (2016).  [If the link fails, look for it on Amazon.com.]
  13. “Sheep among Wolves”, 2-hour video about Iran’s disciple-making movement.
  14. Spent Matches: Igniting the Signal Fire for the Spiritually Dissatisfied by Roy Moran (2015).
  15. Hybrid Church: How the Local Church Can Engage Disciple-Making Movements Strategy by Roy Moran (2017).  See also: www.roymoran.com, www.shoalcreek.org, and many DMM videos at www.youtube.com/user/disciplemakingmov/videos.
  16. From Megachurch to Multiplication: A Church’s Journey Toward Movement by Chris Galanos(2018).  More details atwww.wigtakedmm.com.
  17. Urban Seed Discoveries” 54 Trial Discovery Bible Studies by Jim Yost.
  18. The Kingdom Unleashed: How Jesus’ 1st-Century Kingdom Values Are Transforming Thousands of Cultures and Awakening His Church, by Jerry Trousdale and Glenn Sunshine with Gregory C. Benoit (2018).
  19. New Generations, a mission agency with many DMM training resources.
  20. Beyond, a mission society that catalyzes church planting movements.  Videos.  
  21. “Chronological Bible Teaching” by Dr. Ed Skowron explains the advantages of providing pre-Christians a foundation of biblical history.

Spanish Resources

  1. Movimientos Milagrosos: Cómo cientos de miles de musulmanes están enamorándose de Jesús por Jerry Trousdale (2014).
  2. Formando Discípulos para la Gran Comisión: Una Guía Práctica para el Desarrollo de Cómo Hacer Discípulos por James A. Lilly (2020).
  3. DBS – Folleto General, para introducir DBS a personas de paz y guiar a un grupo.
  4. DBS – Folleto Familiar, para introducir DBS a parientes y guiar estudios en el hogar.
  5. DMM – Videos de Capacitación, 17 videos que proporcionan entrenamiento.

Keep in Touch

Thanks for taking the time to read this book.  If you want to pursue DMM-DBS, feel free to contact me.  I will be glad to answer your questions as best I can and also connect you to people with far more experience than I have.  By browsing the free resources at the Faith Trekker Store, you may find other titles that match your needs. 

In Disciple Maker learn Jesus’ one-of-a-kind methods, and follow Him as you fulfill your destiny. To download the free, 58-page eBook, click on the format you want:

Kindle / Apple / Google Play / Nook / Kobo / Generic / PDF.

Enjoy Prior Chapters

The entire book is summarized at “About DMM” with links to each chapter.

Ch. 1. Jesus Christ: Disciple Maker

Ch. 2. Am I Disciple Material?

Ch. 3. Present-Day Disciples

Ch. 4. Who Is the Leader?

Ch. 5. Reading the Bible with Know-Nothings

Ch. 6. Discovery Bible Texts

Ch. 7. Discovery Session Format

Ch. 8. Like Wildfire

Ch. 9. What about Follow-up?

Ch. 10. Thriving Amid Persecution (Sheep among Wolves)

Ch. 11. Discovery Bible Study in Your Home

Ch 12. Find Your Person of Peace

Ch. 13. Discovery Bible Study in Your Church

Ch. 14. Walking with the Disciple Maker