Landslides and Bridges

Landslides and Bridges

July 22, 2021 0 By Phil Bickel

[ This is entry #4 logging my personal journey to use Discovery Bible Study (DBS) to launch a Disciple-Making Movement (DMM). ]

Recently, I was biking toward the panoramic end of the Minnesota River Bluffs Trail, an effort which I suspected would be unfruitful.  You see, for several years the final miles have been barricaded, and a large sign warns:


Those three words parallel how my Discovery Bible Study friends and I have felt recently as we have encountered:

  • A LANDSLIDE of experiences and learnings — nice to have, but overwhelming.
  • DANGER as Satan opposes us with spiritual warfare in several forms.
  • NO ENTRY as we had not yet found anyone with whom to begin a Discovery Bible Study.

A. Surprises. 

However, as I pedaled along, I found a new berm sustaining the slope where the landslide had been.  Despite this good news, I knew what came next: a dangerous road crossing where motorized traffic sweeps around blind curves, forcing bikers to stop, look, and listen.  In addition, the bike trail at the crossing slopes both downward and sideways, and it contains patches of loose gravel — a banana peel for bikes.  As I pondered whether to dismount to minimize the peril, something unexpected loomed above the distant trees — steel arches.  

“Finally, a bridge!” I shouted as I forged ahead.  Expecting to find a simple trestle over the narrow road, I was astounded by a massive 200-foot bridge, spanning terrain I didn’t even recognize.  Heavy duty construction equipment had moved tons and tons of dirt to transform a narrow, S-curved country road into a 4-lane highway sweeping up the slope of the Minnesota River bluff.  

Note the shadow image of the new highway.

Could it get better than this?  Yup.  Formerly the trail petered out as a pot-holed, one-lane path for farming equipment to reach adjacent fields.  But today I rode on new asphalt, and when I reached the terminus of the trail — the dead end wasn’t dead.  It continued on to Chaska, MN, which boasts fabulous bike trails through varied terrains and vistas.

B. Encouragement .

You might be wondering: “Phil, why have you led me down this rabbit trail?”

Because my bike ride happened immediately after 6 hours of prayer, journaling, and questioning: 

  • Lord, why are my buddies and I not finding persons of peace who are open to bible study?  
  • Will we overcome the spiritual warfare raging against us?
  • In my aging years, can You still use me to multiply Your disciples on earth?
  • With which of the mission groups seeking to initiate Disciple-Making Movements should I join forces?  

No clear answers had come during the 6 hours.  However, now as I retraced my route — through the dead end now made alive, across the bridge over troubling traffic, and on solid ground where earth had caved in — I sensed the Lord assuring me:

Phil, the pleasure of biking this trail was spoiled by catastrophe, danger, and disappointment.  Every year its closure left you disheartened.  Meanwhile, work crews with many skills and equipment were moving mountains to restore to you (and others) the joy of viewing My world from this vantage point.  

Therefore, be still and know that, despite appearances, I am preparing persons for you and your friends to witness to.  My Word is training you to wage war together, and thus you will gain victory over the devil’s schemes.  Phil, you are not obsolete, for I am weaving you into My network of disciples who make disciples.  All this will occur according to My time table.  So, set aside pressure, anxiety, and worry.  Replace them with praise, awe, and worship, for I will accompany you every twist of the trail.

Since then, the Lord has fulfilled His assuring words in several ways.

C. Progress.  

Landslide of Networking

  • I learned how online media helps find persons of peace with whom to explore God’s Word.  Since I spent 1/4 of my career in media, I was thrilled!  Details.
  • A retired couple told me about their adventures around the globe teaching about the Holy Spirit and Discovery Bible Study.  Details.
  • I discovered 2 more ministries that use DBS/DMM principles: one with a global scope; and one for Western Christians to disciple their neighbors.  What a vast net the Spirit is weaving!

Counter Attack

  • A month of using a Prayer Calendar has deepened my prayer commitment and joy.  Details.
  • African believers recruited me to pray and fast against Satan’s attempts to thwart progress in the DBS groups they started in their city.  Heavier weights on the barbell make one stronger.
  • My DBS group speaks honestly about our personal issues and temptations.  This helps us to hold each other accountable, and fight shoulder to shoulder fully decked in God’s armor.

Opening Doors

  • Steve’s church in Texas will soon be teaching English to immigrants, affording new opportunities to find persons of peace.
  • At Dean’s big box store a new employee was hired.  She and her soon-to-be husband are Christians, and they are eager to learn DBS and make disciples. 
  • In May I met a man who teaches Religion at a Christian school in Europe.  I suggested using Discovery Bible Study methods, and he asked me for details.  Then I didn’t see him for 7 weeks.  Recently we reconnected, and now we’re dreaming how to make this school year truly remarkable.

Everything God promised during my bike ride is occurring.  My friend, if you set out on the faith trek of DBS/DMM, you will encounter delays and obstacles.  But He will fulfill His brilliant plan through you.

Thanks for your interest in to our DMM adventure so far.  God’s richest blessings on yours!  To begin your adventure, download and read the free ebook, Disciple Maker: Fulfill Your Destiny in the Disciple-Making Movement Launched by Jesus Christ.  While the title is long, the book is short.  If you prefer to look before you leap, you can eyeball this synopsis with links to each chapter.

Discovery Bible study does not happen alone. If you have friends who share your dream of guiding others into a vibrant relationship with Jesus, invite them to join you on the trek to initiate a disciple-making movement. Even one such friend is enough to begin the journey.

My blog posts at will continue to update you about my disciple-making adventure.  Feel free to inform me about yours.