John 13 – Love Serves

September 16, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

1 Corinthians 13 waxes eloquent about love.  John 13 waxes practical about love.

Thirteen men are gathered in an upper room for the Passover meal.  The next step in Jesus’ mission on Earth requires a towel, a basin of water, and the humility to use them.  Imagine the disciples’ shock as the Son of God stoops to wash their feet, a chore they should have volunteered for.  Peter objects: “No way!”  Jesus responds, “Unless I wash you, you have no part in me” (John 13:8 NIV). 

What is the most lowly, dirty task someone has done for you?  How hard was it to receive their kindness?  Compare that act of compassionate service to what Jesus did for you during His unjust trial and gory crucifixion.  Only because the suffering of Jesus washes away the grime of our crimes do we have a part in Him.  Thank You, humble Lord Jesus!

Jesus explains: “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet constantly.  I have set you an example that you should keep on doing as I have done for you” (John 13:14-15 paraphrased).  Jesus is talking about more than feet.  He means we should serve one another in all kinds of subservient ways — again and again.  The Savior who washed away our sins is calling us to do whatever is needed, whenever, for whomever.  

Really? We would much rather wash our hands of some people than wash their feet.  The higher our status, the more reluctant we are to accept a foot-washing gig.  We tell ourselves, “If I serve, I’ll probably get stuck with this demeaning job forever, and everyone will think I’m a loser.”  

However, the Living God views everything the total reverse of normal human pecking order!  God is a Servant, and His children reflect His servant nature.  Jesus knows that according to our selfish human nature we don’t want to serve and we can’t do it on our own.  He came both to save us and to equip us with His humility, so that we can be winners who love one another as He loved us.

So, when we feel grumpy and reluctant, let’s lay aside our lame excuses and imitate Jesus, forgetting about ourselves and focusing on serving others.  In a few hours our selfish gloom will evaporate like fog, and we’ll clearly see the community of love the Lord Jesus came to establish among us.

  1. When have you followed Jesus’ example of humble service?  How did your obedience affect you and the person you served?
  2. When have you seen an opportunity to serve, but shrank from it?  Offer that smudge on your character to Jesus for Him to wash away.
  3. How can you follow Jesus’ example today?  Put it on your To Do list.  What if your To Do list always had a category called Foot Washing?  

This is post #22 in an ongoing dialog about the Gospel of John occurring online at, Facebook, and Youtube. You’re invited to join the conversation.

A catalyst for the dialogue is a free 97-page ebook, Fullness or Fraction in the Gospel of John, which introduces readers to 10 essential building blocks of life in Christ. 

Photo credit: The foot-washing image © LUMO project (Big Book Media) and distributed for free download, under license exclusively by FreeBibleImages for teaching purposes only. All rights reserved.  Used by permission.