The Power of Y’all in John 14

December 2, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

John 14 is a lesson in Community: one of the building blocks of life in Christ.  Western culture is so individualistic that we tend to think the Christian walk is a solo hike, not a journey with others joyfully following Christ.  The English language contributes to our Lone Ranger mentality.  If you are not into grammar, please bear with me here.  This is a crucial point you don’t want to miss.  

The original Greek of the Bible uses one set of words for “you” singular and another set for “you” plural.  English, however, uses the same words — “you” and “your” — whether referring to one person or a group.  As a result, we often miss the group emphasis of verses in the New Testament.  Luckily, English speakers in the southern USA invented a word for “you” plural by condensing “you all” into “y’all.”  In Texas they even say “all y’all.”

So what?

Almost every “you” in John 14 is “y’all” —  dozens of “y’all”s!  Jesus leaves no room for isolationist Christianity, because He builds communities.  His multiple promises are intended to be shared and experienced together, influencing and transforming you + me + other believers around us.  

Try this exercise.  Sit down with these four items at hand.

  • A Bible
  • A pad of paper
  • A box of tissues
  • A mirror

Read John 14, inserting “y’all” in place of every “you” (except vv. 9-10).  It might sound silly to read: “Don’t let the heart of y’all be troubled.”  But isn’t it far sillier to fail to recognize what Jesus is telling us?  In response to each verse or section, ask the questions below. Take your time.  Tap the power of y’all.   

  1. How does seeing the you-plural, community aspect of this verse change my understanding of what Jesus is teaching?
  2. What activities have I done solo that the Lord intends me to share?
  3. What would it be like to apply the truths spoken here with a group of fellow believers or with the people who sit at my kitchen table?  
  4. What transformations could God work among us when He heals us of community blindness?
  5. Lord, what specific things do You want some Christian friends and me to do together?

Use the pad of paper to jot down insights, questions, and ways to apply what you read.  

You’ll need the box of tissues, because tears will come, tears of sorrow over missed opportunities, and tears of joy as you anticipate new possibilities.  Let the ice of isolation melt.  Feel the growing warmth of togetherness and companionship.  

The mirror?  When you’re done, look at your face.  You’ll see a smile you’ve never seen before. 

Next, repeat this assignment with a few friends or family.  Allow Jesus to teach you about Community, where y’all can live in peace and harmony.

John 14 is definitely not fly-over country.

We need to land in John 14 and live in Christ’s promises.  This is #5 of 10 blogs which tour through John 14 to point out the 10 building blocks of life in Christ.  All 10 appear in John 14.

Join the ongoing dialog about the Gospel of John occurring online at, Facebook, and Youtube. A catalyst for the dialogue is a free 97-page ebook, Fullness or Fraction in the Gospel of John, which introduces readers to 10 essential building blocks of life in Christ.