Fishing Is Fun – Part 1

July 25, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

When Dad and I went fishing, we often sang as we rode along. He had a fine baritone voice and gave me a great appreciation for music. Dad also had the spiritual gift of evangelism, so he encouraged me to fish for souls.

In 2013, I attended a thrilling conference about fishing for souls. During the drive back, I was praising the Lord, when the Holy Spirit downloaded a new tune. As David says: “He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God” (Psalm 40:3a NIV).

Though the tune had no lyrics, I continued to sing it for over 100 miles, because somehow it held all truths I had learned that weekend. Some time later, I asked God for lyrics, and here are the words of assurance He provided.

Fishing Is Fun

Verse 1 (sing twice)
"Come follow Me," Jesus said, 
"I'll make you fishers of women and men. 
Together we will liberate them from the evil one.”

So come my friends. 
Let's trust God's Word. 
Cast out the nets, serve and love in His name. 
Use all your gear: hearts, hands, lips, ears, 
And God will work great miracles: 
The sad are cheered. 
The sick are healed. 
The blind will see.
Bound set free. 
We'll agree: 
This fishing's fun!

Verse 2 (sing twice)
I am the first, and the last, 
I created all things and direct your paths. 
As you fish each day I will supply all you ever need.

Verse 3 (sing twice)
I will free your heart from all its fears, 
I will keep you safe when trouble is near, 
Be bold, My child!
All I have promised I will surely do.

Verse 4 (sing twice)
"Come follow Me," Jesus said, 
"I'll make you fishers of women and men.”
Be bold, My child! 
To fish with Me fulfills your destiny.

Sing the Song with Jesus, Your Fishing Guide

Singing this song encourages me to trust Jesus as He takes me on fishing trips with Him. I pray it will do the same for you. Here are three resources to help you learn “Fishing Is Fun.” Use them as you like.

First, this audio file is an instrumental version.

Second, “Fishing Is Fun” is played and sung at 39:30 – 43:40 of this video.

Third, here it is in sheet music format for keyboard and guitar. Enjoy it, and be encouraged, because fishing for souls is the calling and destiny of every believer.

Many thanks to my musician friend Joan Devee Dixon for preparing these learning resources.