Fishing Is Fun – Part 2

July 30, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

Fishing is fun when a knowledgeable angler teaches you how. Jesus promised to be our Fishing Guide and Instructor when He recruited His disciples: “Come, follow me. And I will teach you to fish for people.”

My dad taught me to fish in the ponds and streams of northeast Ohio where we lived and in central Michigan during many vacations there. Once we drove more than 300 miles to Lake Michigan to try our luck trolling for coho salmon. Thousands of other anglers had the same idea.

I had never trolled before, which means casting your line behind your boat, while it constantly moves at a slow pace. I was amazed how Dad knew the special kind of line, bait, sinkers, and lures we needed for trolling. Dad had the skill to navigate among the hundreds of boats weaving through the waves, so we avoided snagging our lines with theirs. If the success of our trip had depended on my knowledge and skill, we would have caught zip. Because of Dad’s expertise, we returned with plenty of big ones and fond memories.

In a similar manner, Dad taught me to fish for people, and witnessing has been a strong focus of mine throughout the years. In January, 2014, I had a unique opportunity to explain how Christians can fish with Jesus. The video below features myself and my fishing buddy Pastor Keven Schuessler. The actual teaching begins at 1:20.

You don’t need to watch it all in one sitting. When you’ve learned something useful, try it out in the coming days. Come back later for more fishing advice.

Three items enhance the video, if you choose to use them: