The Healing of the Hardlies

On Oct. 31, 1517, in Wittenberg, Germany, Professor Martin Luther, nailed to the church door a poster listing 95 points he wished to debate with scholars. That sounds pretty tame, even boring. It wasn’t. It ignited a religious revolution that changed the world.
The issue at the center of the Reformation was a personal question people still ask today: How do I receive the forgiveness and love of God?
The short story “The Healing of the Hardlies” addresses that question. It’s yours for free with a click on the eBook format you prefer:
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“The Healing of the Hardlies” will make you think, even if you say:
- “I don’t care about the Reformation.”
- “I know little about the Reformation.”
- “I already know plenty about the Reformation.”
- “I disagree with the Reformation.”
- “I’m Muslim. What’s the Reformation got to do with me?”
- “I have a COEXIST bumper sticker on my car.”