Explore Inner Space

June 14, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

Climb on board a rocket called Fullness or Fraction in the Gospel of John by Phil Bickel. Are we headed for outer space?  No, inner space, the part us that Psalm 103:1 calls the soul, your inmost being. 

Inner space is more fantastic than outer space.  Inner space is where we do business with the Creator of all things.  Inner space is where people praise God the Father, trust in Christ the Son, and are taught by the Holy Spirit.

Every sunrise launches us into a new day of trusting God and loving the people we encounter.  Lift off is hard to attain when our inner space is weighed down by faulty thoughts, attitudes, and actions. 

Here’s how to join the voyage of discovery which will propel you into daily adventures with God —

My favorite TV experience from childhood was an episode of My Three Sons which won an Academy Award (Season 1, Episode 4, Oct. 20, 1960). Entitled “Countdown”, the Douglas family rises and prepares for work and school. All the while their TV is airing a live broadcast of a manned rocket launch.  The synchronicity between the space launch and the family’s efforts to launch their day is captivating.  The mundane becomes dramatic, and the ending is inspiring!  

If you give the 26-minute video a look, compare it to the drama of your typical morning.  Do you need to explore your inner space?