Jubal Lee in Notingham

Our lives are filled with din. Like musical notes that have forgotten how to sing in harmony, we bellow discord and shout one another down. While we easily hear and take offense at the din produced by others, we are often deaf to our own.
If someone appeared who had the ability to sing, would we welcome his music — or silence him? That is the premise of an imaginative short story entitled Jubal Lee in Notingham, available for free download.
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What inspired this tale? One day my two-year old daughter Katy saw a drawing of a happy teddy bear with some stray musical notes floating above his head. “Daddy,” she asked, “What song is the bear singing?”
Since the picture lacked horizontal staff lines, I told her, “I don’t know.” But her question stuck with me and became the catalyst of Jubal Lee in Notingham.
Without the guidance of ten staff lines and other musical notations, what tones can musical notes make? Notes need something more than themselves to be able to sing.
So do we.