Tag: Christian

October 22, 2020 0 By Phil Bickel

Let’s Play with Blocks

Can you grow up by playing with blocks? Yes, if they are the 10 building blocks of life in Christ! Will we accept these ten colossal blessings, or will we shrink them to the size of our tiny faith? The free book Fullness of Fraction in the Gospel of John by Phil Bickel will introduce you to them.

June 21, 2019 1 By Phil Bickel

Jubal Lee in Notingham – Chapter 1

Like musical notes that have forgotten how to sing in harmony, we bellow discord and shout one another down. While we easily hear the din produced by others, we are often deaf to our own. If a singer of music appeared on the scene, would we welcome his songs — or silence him? That is the premise of Jubal Lee in Notingham. Read Chapter 1 – The Cloud.

June 6, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

Jubal Lee in Notingham

Our lives are filled with din. Like musical notes that have forgotten how to sing in harmony, we bellow discord and shout one another down. While we easily hear and take offense at the din produced by others, we are often deaf to our own. If someone appeared who had the ability to sing, would we welcome his music — or silence him? That is the premise of an imaginative short story entitled Jubal Lee in Notingham.

June 5, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

My Story of Faith

Many Christians want to witness, but they lament, “I don’t know what to say!” However, if you know Christ, you have a story to tell, the story of how God has worked and is still working in your life. A 6-week course teaches you how. It’s free and simple. Just you, your Bible, a pencil and some friends.