Tag: Discovery group

March 11, 2021 0 By Phil Bickel

Like Wildfire

How do Discovery Bible Study groups spread like wildfire and become Disciple Making Movements in which thousands and even millions follow Jesus? In the West, Bible study groups don’t proliferate like that. So, what are DBS groups doing differently?

November 14, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

DBS in Your Church

An ocean liner can’t change course quickly. Neither can churches. For Discovery Bible Study to transform your church, start slowly and incrementally. Bit by bit, God will steer your ocean liner on a new course to make disciples who make disciples.

November 1, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

Discovery Bible Study in Your Home

Because each generation is responsible to pass on the Gospel to their children, Christianity always stands just one generation from extinction. Over the last half century, Satan has attacked the family on many fronts. Could Discovery Bible Study bring victory in the battleground of your home? Yes, it could. Let’s take a brief tour of the features that distinguish DBS from typical family devotion methods.

September 27, 2019 3 By Phil Bickel

Jesus Led a Discovery Group

Since the 1990s Discovery Bible Study (DBS) has led millions of people to trust in Christ. Why? Because DBS resembles how Jesus led His disciples to discover truth. When a group listens to Jesus, wrestles with His surprising teachings, seeks to practice them, and shares them with others, what happens? Gradually they discover who Jesus is, and they cannot help but follow Him! It happened with the 1st-century Discovery Group that Jesus led, and it is still happening today.