Tag: expert leader

September 13, 2019 1 By Phil Bickel

Reading the Bible with Know-Nothings

If friends who know nothing about the Bible decide to read it together, what are the chances they will become followers of Christ? Without a Bible expert present, won’t the result be the blind leading the blind? However, since the early 1990s, millions of know-nothings have read the Bible together and found new life in Jesus Christ. The impossible occurs due to two factors.

September 6, 2019 1 By Phil Bickel

DBS — Who Is the Leader?

What if there were a way to witness about Jesus that did not require you to be an expert with all the answers? In fact, you wouldn’t be the Leader at all. Let’s compare two ways to witness to a group of people seeking God. The first way is based on common sense and is pretty effective. The second way seems nonsensical, but it’s a thousand times more effective.