Tag: John

October 22, 2020 0 By Phil Bickel

Let’s Play with Blocks

Can you grow up by playing with blocks? Yes, if they are the 10 building blocks of life in Christ! Will we accept these ten colossal blessings, or will we shrink them to the size of our tiny faith? The free book Fullness of Fraction in the Gospel of John by Phil Bickel will introduce you to them.

June 14, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

Explore Inner Space

You are invited to be a passenger on a spaceship called Fullness or Fraction in the Gospel of John. Are we headed for outer space? No, we’ll explore inner space, what Psalm 103:1 calls our soul, our inmost being. Inner space is where human beings do business with the Creator of all things. Every sunrise launches us into a new day of trusting God and loving the people we encounter. Lift off is hard to attain when our inner space is weighed down by faulty thoughts, attitudes, and actions. The 10 building blocks of life in Christ which repeatedly appear in John will lift us up and propel us into daily adventures with God.