Tag: Nicodemus

July 13, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

Detecting Enemies — John 7:47-52

How accurate is your enemy detector? One positive byproduct of pushback is that we discern who are God’s friends and who are God’s enemies. Who is opposing you right now? On the surface, do they appear to be God’s friends or God’s enemies? Below the surface, which are they? Will we stand up to them or back down? Which did Jesus do?

June 23, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

Building Blocks in John 3

Collision Course. John 3 is a collision of ideas expressed by Jesus and Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish High Council. Reading the Bible is exciting as we detect the building blocks of life in Christ and allow them to collide with any false beliefs that are stunting our growth in Christ. www.philbickel.com/bb-john3/