Tag: Sanctification

October 22, 2020 0 By Phil Bickel

Let’s Play with Blocks

Can you grow up by playing with blocks? Yes, if they are the 10 building blocks of life in Christ! Will we accept these ten colossal blessings, or will we shrink them to the size of our tiny faith? The free book Fullness of Fraction in the Gospel of John by Phil Bickel will introduce you to them.

October 21, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

INtimacy with God

This video, “The Mystery of IN,” explores a significant biblical word. Yet we often treat it as flyover country. Jesus’ promises in John 14 are not parables or poetry. The actual relationship God offers us is Intimacy with Him.

October 7, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

John 14 – Not Flyover Country

John 14 is not flyover country! We need to land here and live here, because John 14 is chock full of colossal promises! If we trusted in them fully, our lives would be transformed. Since many people pay scant attention to these astounding promises, this series of blogs will provide a guided tour through them all.

September 30, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

John 13 – Love Excels

In pursuit of excellence, paramedics endure 1800 hours of training, so they can save lives hanging by a thread. Jesus, the ultimate Life Saver, call us to: “Love one another as I had loved you.” Before an unbelieving world, Christ’s excellent love is to be our trademark, our Nike swoosh, saving lives that hang by a thread.

September 16, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

John 13 – Love Serves

1 Corinthians 13 waxes eloquent about love, but John 13 waxes practical about love. Jesus washes feet and calls us to imitate Him, but we would much rather wash our hands of some people than wash their feet.   How can we overcome our distaste for foot-washing?

August 19, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

Hear the Shepherd’s Voice

What does Jesus mean in John 10, when He repeatedly says His sheep hear His voice? The word “voice” implies actual conversation, which is precisely what occurs between a shepherd and his flock. What would happen if, when you prayed, you paused to listen for Jesus’ reply?

August 12, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

The Good Shepherd-Warrior

The Good Shepherd is also the Good Warrior! Artists often portray Jesus and His flock in tranquil scenes. But John 10:1-14 speaks of deadly combat. We are part of a war to the death, but we follow the Good Shepherd who has laid down His life for the sheep and continues to guard our lives.