Tag: Submission

September 16, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

John 13 – Love Serves

1 Corinthians 13 waxes eloquent about love, but John 13 waxes practical about love. Jesus washes feet and calls us to imitate Him, but we would much rather wash our hands of some people than wash their feet.   How can we overcome our distaste for foot-washing?

July 22, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

Miracles Break the Rules

Miracles are messy and controversial. In John 9, after Jesus heals a blind beggar, the poor guy gets into hot water with the Religion Police. Will we avoid miracles, or will we seek what Jesus is doing today without concern that His miracles will rock the boat?

July 20, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

Hiking with Jesus

When Jesus invites us to walk with Him, it’s not for a stroll in the park but a march of endurance. Yet He promises we “will never walk in darkness,” and “the truth will set us free.” (John 8:12 & 32) Jesus teaches us how to find the strength for the journey in John 8.

July 8, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

John 7 — Dueling Game Plans

Do you have a game plan for your life? Will you follow God’s path or limit yourself to human wisdom? In John 7:1-10, Jesus addresses this issue. No matter the threats and danger, Jesus never backs down. He refuses to be less than who He really is — the Son of God sent to do and say only what the Father shows Him. How about us? Which game plan will we seek to follow?