Why Do Bad Things Happen?

April 18, 2019 0 By Phil Bickel

Perhaps the trials you face have left you frustrated, angry, or bitter.  I‘ve been there too. 

Out of all the things I have written, the one read by the most people and translated into the most languages is an 8-page booklet entitled “Why Do Bad Things Happen?”  †I wrote some of it in a hospital waiting room while my wife was undergoing surgery for cancer.  Sometimes I’ve buckled under the weight of life’s troubles.  I’ve wrestled with God and questioned His faithfulness.†

Yet, I wrote this booklet, because the Lord has taught me to keep on trusting Him—even in the dark.  Why do I trust Him? Because the Bible gives compelling answers to three questions that everyone asks: 

  1. Why do pain and suffering exist?
  2. What benefit can possibly come from my troubles?
  3. What has God done to deal with the evil and pain in this world? 

May “Why Do Bad Things Happen?” give you a new perspective of hope, determination, and joy.  Or share it with a friend who is struggling. Click here for a free PDF copy, and enter “why do bad” in the Search box.